- Stockholm, Sweden, EU
- Perm Linked
- NORDUnet
Server Statistics
- Version: ircd-ratbox-3.0.9(20151013_9-28769). irc.nordunet.se :egGIKMpZ6 TS6ow 9NU
- Admin:
Administrative info about irc.nordunet.se IRC Administrators Please contact us by email <[email protected]>
- Client Count: 210
- Max Clients: 459
- irc . NORDUnet . se - - Welcome to irc.nordunet.se sponosored by NORDUnet (www.nordu.net). - The server is located in Stockholm, Sweden and serves clients on these ports: - 6665 - 6669 IPv4/IPv6 Unencrypted - 6697, 7000 & 9999 IPv4/IPv6 SSL Encrypted - - Staff: - suom1 <[email protected]> - Ahnberg <[email protected]>